Forever Making You Better
For those suffering from Treatment Resistant Depression, finding the right therapy after years of unsuccessful ones can be hard. At Infinity Treatment Centers of America we make it easy. Our doctors and trained wellness professionals will evaluate your medical history and chart with you a path towards your treatment success. We invite you to contact Infinity Treatment Centers of America and set an appointment to see if SPRAVATO® is right for you.

How We Work
Your safety, comfort, and success in treatment are our number one goals. As a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) certified treatment center, we set our standards high. Because you must stay in our center a minimum of two hours under our care, know you are in good hands. Our wellness professionals are trained to recognize and alleviate any possible adverse reactions and ensure your stay is safe and comfortable.
At Infinity Treatment Centers of America our goal is to take the burden of Spravato insurance off your shoulders and onto ours. After you provide us with your insurance information, our highly motivated business office staff obtain preauthorization, manage your deductibles and co-pays, and follow up with your health insurance company regarding the Spravato insurance coverage. At Infinity Treatment Centers of America, we don’t want you to deal with the esketamine cost with insurance but to focus on your most important task: fighting therapy resistant depression and getting better together.